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Dak's WIPs

Dak Drexl

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  Darth InSidious said:
There is a hanging vine placeable, but it may only be used for one particular vine in the Shadowlands.


Right, they aren't used for the rest of the vines there in the Lower Shadowlands.


  Darth Snard said:
It might be part of another texture file from kashyyyk. Lool around for a place that has the sam texture and skin


Well this is the first thing I thought but there is no Kashyyyk vine texture. Maybe it's shared from another planet, I really don't know. It's really not that big a deal if I can't solve it though.


Thanks everyone for the feedback.

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  Dak Drexl said:
Right, they aren't used for the rest of the vines there in the Lower Shadowlands.




Well this is the first thing I thought but there is no Kashyyyk vine texture. Maybe it's shared from another planet, I really don't know. It's really not that big a deal if I can't solve it though.


Thanks everyone for the feedback.


Have you checked in the models for the textures PLC_DnglVine1 and PLC_DnglVine2 ? These are the textures of the vine placeable.

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Thanks so much for that help! I knew I saw a vine texture somewhere but didn't think to look in the PLC textures :confused: I'll post pics of how it looks later; after seeing what I can do with the vines I'm considering just erasing them but I'll see what everyone thinks.


Also calling all voice actors! As of now I need someone to voice Tony Stark (yes, from Iron Man). He doesn't have to sound like Robert Downey Jr. or anything. I just need a convincing Tony. So send me your auditions - I don't care what the lines you speak are.


Thanks everyone for your continued support!

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Ok, here we go! I've been working like a mad man for the last couple days and almost have the Republic Station complete. I wouldn't have been able to make this as good as it is without the help of LordDeathRay, who really got the station up and going, so everyone thank him.


Anyway I just have a a couple pictures I'll walk you through.


The entrance of the Station:

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When you walk in, immediately on your left is an awesome little thing by LDR which leads you to one of your sidequests in this mod. You have to help the interrogator with the Sith prisoner:

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Then you'll walk down a bit and see the merchants corner:

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And some assorted soliders pow-wows (you can see the new skybox here):

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And then it's time to go to the "east wing". You activate the computer panel which gives you the option to take the elevator (I forgot the pic of the terminal's dlg):

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And this module is the Endar Spire starboard section with a couple slight skin changes. Walk down until you get to the entrance to the "briefing room":

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Where you will find out friends Colonel Drexl and Majowski, where you will get your Nilban sidequest (appearances of both have been changed to a certain degree):

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There'll be a lot more but I thought it'd be fun to show you guys around a bit. Please let me know what you think. Also I still need voice actors! Thanks :)

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Very nice! I think the Endar Spire could be more heavily reskinned, however, to match the space station module... or vice/versa? Perhaps this isn't your intent with the story, however.


Also, I can do random minor VOs in an assortment of different voices if you need me to. :)

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What are those tank type things next to the force cage because I haven't seen those before, are they custom made? If so, As you are my favourite skinner could release it for download :D If im just being stupid and they are in fact in the game files then please tell me where so I can learn to be less ignorant. :) Thanks

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  TimBob12 said:
What are those tank type things next to the force cage because I haven't seen those before, are they custom made? If so, As you are my favourite skinner could release it for download :D If im just being stupid and they are in fact in the game files then please tell me where so I can learn to be less ignorant. :) Thanks


Yeah it's some kind of kolto tank. Check the placeable files of Yavin Station if you want to find out. I just reskinned them to be blue instead of the normal yellowish color. Blue glowy highlights seem to be the main theme of the skins here.


  Fallen Guardian said:
You might want to shift the force cages direction to be facing towards the screenshot if you get what I mean.


I'll probably fix the orientation of some stuff soon. As far as I know, placeables' orientation can't be changed via the .git file so they'll have to be scripted in to work. All in good time :)


  Rinku said:
One question: Are you going to reskin the door to the space station? It looked like it was still the original skin and felt a bit out of place ;).


Right now the door's texture doesn't want to cooperate, but I'm on it.


  Zhaboka said:
I think the Endar Spire could be more heavily reskinned, however, to match the space station module... or vice/versa? Perhaps this isn't your intent with the story, however.


Also, I can do random minor VOs in an assortment of different voices if you need me to. :)


The two modules are actually using the exact same textures :eek: the thing is, the Yavin station module does not use normal lightmaps so I can't brighten it. So I'll probably just darken the spire module.


And I'll probably take you up on the other voicing offer, we'll see how your others turn out, eh? :p


Thanks everyone for the feedback.

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  Fallen Guardian said:
You actually can change via the .git. Just go into general tutorials/tools section and then to table of contents. Under modules I believe there will be a tutorial called rotation of creatures and placeables in the .git file.


Unfortunately that tut just covers how to set your orientation in the .git file for creatures and doors, but there's no orientation field for placeables for some reason. Am I missing something or is that just a stupid thing with the files?

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  TKA-001 said:
I don't mean to be an arse, but why is the Sith prisoner wearing full battle armor?


Consider it fixed.


One of the many new item skins:


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Republic Fighter Pilot Uniform


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