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Father Torque Foundation

Father Torque

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I too have led a tortured life, and would appreciate donations, so I can purchase some fabulous items to make my worthless existence appear to more worthwhile.


Although my picture looks cool (that really is a picture of me, and not Han!!!), that was taken in a good light, and I am really rather freaky looking.......kind of like this:- :evanpiel:


Please given generously ;)

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Originally posted by RoyTordesLegend

Oh, and by the way - naked pics of my missus to the person who makes the highest contribution.....come on Thrik - you know you want those pictures!!!;)


Please, no usses of sexual content will be allowed at my thread or on the forum. Your turn will come.;)


Thrik, It may sound mean, but please stop asking for points. Its taking away from other members who seem to be quite angry at the foundation because they cannot recieve points while you with 8500+ points are recieving points from people who they believe should donate to them. You have to learn to take care of yourself, maybe even get your own points:)

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Thrik, It may sound mean, but please stop asking for points. It's taking away from other members who seem to be quite angry at the foundation.


Well those people should stop being so greedy! I for one have just donated all my 399 points to him to Thrik!




Because I realized just how selfish I was being and suddenly I felt so guilty having so many points when people like Thrik suffer, so I donated them all to him. I suggest you other sinners stop living in shame and do the same, it's the only way to save your souls!


How people with 200+ credits can complain about people asking for donations is beyond me! They'd just rather live a blinkered life pretending that people like Thrik don't exist. Well I've got news for you people: Thrik is a human being too, you know!




~ Johnny

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Hear me people! I have realized the error of my ways! I have been greedy, hoarding credits for no apparent reason, other than to be seen on the list of the "Top 10 richest people on LF", while poor Thrik is suffering, begging for measly credits, so he can live a decent life, not depending on prostitution to put bread on his table!




Too bad I'm an inconsiderate bastard..........






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Originally posted by Thrik

Those saying that I should lose my credits - why? I worked for them by winning a competition. What have you people done? Spam and accept donations? Please.


Quit being so jealous of me, too. They're just credits. They mean nothing. Yes I have a lot, but I don't really care. It's you lot making a huge issue about it - just teach yourself to not care.


Look Thrik I dont want you to lose those points as they are yours I just said I'd find it amusing if you did lose them. I dont care if you have one or 1,000,000,000 points or more. Yes you have just as much rights to come here and ask for points. I asume the point of you posting in here is to mock the beggers (eg. me) but I maybe wrong its just the impression your posts give. Any way good luck in getting your 1,000,000,000 point target or what ever it is.



On Topic: Thankyou Hèkx Nòxú for the recent donation to the "Lord Siraious Needs a Sig Pic Fund" More donation are very much welcomed and remember it will put a smile on a little green alien's face :yoda:.

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