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One Year Today!!


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Well swampies, it is mine and Darky's one year anniversary today.


There have been a lot of highs and a lot of lows, mafia's, avatar revolutions and a hell of a lot of fun along the way, and I've got to say from the bottom of my heart, I love you all. :crybaby: You all seem like real life friends to me and I truly enjoy having a chat with you nearly every day. I've made a load of great friends and I'm glad I stumbled my way here one year ago to find out how to wall walk. But don't think you are getting rid of me any time soon, because I've put up with the testosterone for this long, and I'm sure I'll still be here in a few more years to come. ;)


So, everyone pull up a seat at the bar and raise a glass with Darky and myself to our one year anniversary!



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lol, it's funny seeing all the other "oldies" having their one year anniversary, i already had it:D



[serious voice]

it's been a great year guys (and leXX :p)

[/serious voice]






*gets drunk*

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*stumbles in thread dead drunk*


Well well well well.......lexx and darky...my bester friends...hmph.....*hiccup*..today is your oneennnee year anvernersery, eh? Yoooou should be *hiccup* proud. I've met some nice poeplepes here, but you two are denefantly the best of the best of the bestest. I mean, I don't know anyone besterer then you four. Now, Have a *hiccup* RANDOM CELEBRATION PRESENT!


Your gift is:



Bonjour Babar!


Happy one year!

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Thanks everyone. :)


Congrats leXX, the only bad thing was that I now associate anything Trinity with you!!


I'm glad about that. Being associated with the ultimate female bad ass ain't a bad thing. ;)


hmmmms 6k posts too today, congrats on that one,


that equates to:- 16.438356164383561643835616438356164 per day.


Wow. You know I didn't even notice! lol. I guess 16 posts a day is a bit much. I need to calm down a bit hehe.


yay you are officialy not a n00b anymore. =]






Absolutely!! :D


*orders another Southern Comfort*

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

*stumbles in thread dead drunk*


Well well well well.......lexx and darky...my bester friends...hmph.....*hiccup*..today is your oneennnee year anvernersery, eh? Yoooou should be *hiccup* proud. I've met some nice poeplepes here, but you two are denefantly the best of the best of the bestest. I mean, I don't know anyone besterer then you four. Now, Have a *hiccup* RANDOM CELEBRATION PRESENT!


Your gift is:



Bonjour Babar!


Happy one year!


Awww thanks Obi! My very own BABAR!! I'm so happy. :D


(I actually remember watching Babar as a kid :eek: )

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Originally posted by leXX

Awww thanks Obi! My very own BABAR!! I'm so happy. :D


(I actually remember watching Babar as a kid :eek: )


This randomgift generator I bought really seems to be a smash hit with the customers :D


I remember watching Babar when I was little too. That is very scarey. :eek:

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*Staggers in behind obi....*


A tankard of your finest ale please....*hic*



Congrats Sculley....er... I mean leXX. I too associate you with Trinity, *hic*, because back when us men used to bug you for pics, all you ever did was post pics of*hic* Carrie Ann Moss. I think you should put on the old "Dodge This" avatar in celebration of your one year of prison /membership!:p

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Congrats Lexx - I'm soo glad I'm not the only chick that seems to play star wars games !!


Yep, and we're both Star Wars games playing mums too! :D I don't think I ever did congratulate you on the birth of the little one. ;)


I think you should put on the old "Dodge This" avatar in celebration of your one year of prison /membership!


< --- :D

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Originally posted by leXX

Well swampies, it is mine and Darky's one year anniversary today.


Awwww leXX, you remembered:):cry6:I still can't believe how weird that is, that we registered on the same day. It's a real honour for me;)


Well I think you basically said everything I wanted to say, leXX. I have had a lot of good times here, and made a lot of great friends, all who I love so so much:)If I hadn't wandered in here a year ago to found out how to replace Kyle in SP, who knows where I would be now:D


I haven't had the best day today (actually it was really awful:(), but this day has made me realise how glad I am to know a bunch of great people like you guys. Thank you so much for being there as friends, for helping me out and making me laugh a helluva lot:lol:You guys are the greatest;)


So congrats to leXX, and thank you all for the nice comments.


*Raises glass*



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[big super smash brothers meele announcer voice]


[/big super smash brothers meele announcer voice]

Hey i missed mine :eek:. and now for your present

*Looks around for police and hands lexx an early copy of the Matrix Reloaded on DVD*

Just don't ask where i got it.

And for you darky....

*Gives him early copy of the next photoshop, paint, and other image editing programs*

Don't ask where i got this either.

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