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Revan's Flowing Cape & Belt (K1 & TSL)

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he took the model from kotor and animated it, it'd be porting a modified version of a kotor game resource.


True, also he mentioned the animations are done different in TSL and there are alot more frames. He would have to start from scratch. Hopefully he will make a tut and someone else will take it up.

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Btw, what is that blaster in the first screenie?


That's a Browning Automatic Rifle that I might or might not release. ;)


Was to be expacted, though isn't the ASCII file neutral ?

Is it possible to compile it to just TSL code ?

Well... there's different and new animations, so I think that it would be a big, bad mess trying to do that. But I don't think it is porting if I only used the cape animations, since I created all of those.


Anyway, the TSL version of this project is cancelled. I will write a tutorial about how this is done once I'm finished, though. :)

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Good thing you're still working on it. I don't think I would have the patience to do something like this. I suppose what drives you to finish it is knowing that pretty much every KOTOR player will be using this once released, so you know you're not making it for nothing.

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Good thing you're still working on it. I don't think I would have the patience to do something like this. I suppose what drives you to finish it is knowing that pretty much every KOTOR player will be using this once released, so you know you're not making it for nothing.


I don't have the patience to do this, but I'm doing it anyway. :xp:


Yeah, it's kinda been a modding dream for me to do this, ever since I played Recruitable RedHawke, which had the robe model, I always wanted to fix it.

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Wow, great work SS! As someone else said, this will complete so many other already released mods. I don't suppose this will work with Kristy Kristic's femanine version, or maskless versions, will it? But great work, and I can't wait to see it released! :)


As I understand it, it should compatible. :)


SS, I think you are a hero to me and quite a few of other "senior" modders round here; I would never have the patience to do this. I can already see who the 2009 K1 Mod of the Year will be between; this, K1:BOS and Space Alex's NPC enhancement mod. Also if I were you, unless you plan on using it yourself don't do TSL version *ducks and hides*; save yourself for more fun modding.

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Wow, great work SS! As someone else said, this will complete so many other already released mods. I don't suppose this will work with Kristy Kristic's femanine version, or maskless versions, will it? But great work, and I can't wait to see it released! :)


Actually, I'm not sure if it will work or not. Once I have the animations done, I may have to do some work to get the other versions to use the animated cape model as a supermodel. If Kristy Kristic lets me slightly edit her feminine (changing the name of the supermodel), then I think it shall be fine.


SS, I think you are a hero to me and quite a few of other "senior" modders round here; I would never have the patience to do this. I can already see who the 2009 K1 Mod of the Year will be between; this, K1:BOS and Space Alex's NPC enhancement mod.


Thank you very much, J7, that's very inspiring. I just hope that this mod will live up to everyone's expectations, as it's not exactly TSL quality animation, since I'm using 5 cape bones compared to the 20 that are used on TSL capes.

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Thank you very much, J7, that's very inspiring. I just hope that this mod will live up to everyone's expectations, as it's not exactly TSL quality animation, since I'm using 5 cape bones compared to the 20 that are used on TSL capes.


I know this is going to be brilliant SS, as the youtube video; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukC2wU3VeLY is already a massive improvement, as my main gripe was the feet coming through the cape, which no longer happens :) Thanks for all your hard work again!

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[Moral support]: OOH! I do so look forward to your mod's completion.


[Envisionment]: I can just imagine the way it will pave as groundwork for original mods to come in the future.


[marveling]: Ah the endless hours of council and guidance you will provide for your fellow meatb...--I mean fellow lucasforumers who endeavor to do something similar.


Needless to say, should you succeed you will also be facing options of being somewhat of a mentor modder. Example: experiencing turbulence and irritations of P.E.B.K.A.C., meatbag laziness, and general incompetence...


Uhh. whoops

[tension easing]: Nice human, goooood human.


[Correction]: Simply the joy of passing your legacy on to other modders as well as providing a completed version of Revan's items is well worth the pursuit. I'm sure.


BTW: Adding animations eh? Praises for exemplary your work well done, already. --Is there still no way to customize any animations?--just curious...

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