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LucasCast: Episode 1

Lynk Former

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  1. 1. How do you rate this episode of LucasCast?

    • 5 - Excellent!
    • 4 - It was very good.
    • 3 - It's okay.
    • 2 - You guys can do a lot better.
    • 1 - It sucked!

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We hope you enjoy our very first episode of LucasCast. In this episode we introduce you to our wacky cast, talk about gaming in 2008 and what we want to see come out of 2009. We’ll also be looking at what LucasArts has been offering us lately, the Indiana Jones game for Wii and much more…


Release date: 23 February 2009


Download page: http://www.lucascast.com/episode-1/




  • Your grand introduction to LucasCast.
  • Upcoming LucasArts games including The Old Rebublic MMO and Battlefront III
  • The cancellation of Indiana Jones for 360 and PS3, the confirmation of Indiana Jones for Wii, DS and PSP or PS2 as well as discussing the inclusion of Fate of Atlantis on the Wii version.
  • Our thoughts of the games of 2008.
  • What we're looking forward to in 2009.
  • What you can expect from LucasCast in the future.


Extra information and resources:


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Introduction to LucasCast


  • We have a Meet the Cast page set up at the LucasCast site for anyone who is interested.
    And I do realise that like Niner, the rest of us have our own serious business looks in our profile pics. I started off by posting mine, then leXX was next and I told her we had a strange theme between our two pics. Next thing I know, leXX has gone off and found pics to use for the other members of the cast with our own variation of "Serious Business"... though truth be told, Niner is the master of Serious Business. Internet, Serious Business, that is...


Upcoming LucasArts games



Indiana Jones for Wii



Games of 2008



Games of 2009



Future of LucasCast


  • For those interested in creating the LucasCast music, check this thread out.
  • Lastly, you can follow LucasCast on twitter




  • Yes... I know I suck lol :D


Comments: Feel free to leave your comments, feedback and questions in this thread about this LucasCast episode as well as LucasCast in general. You can also use our contact form or email us at questions@lucascast.com.



The LucasCast team hope you have enjoyed the show!

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Still developing my voice ear. Gotta assign a name to each voice so at any moment I know exactly who's talking.


This is awesome guys. Set up your RSS/iTunes/Zune stuff, too. It'll be like Christmas waiting for each episode. Har!



Great, laughed at pantless Rhett joke in the middle of class, thanks guys. D:<

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  TiE23 said:
Still developing my voice ear. Gotta assign a name to each voice so at any moment I know exactly who's talking.


This is awesome guys. Set up your RSS/iTunes/Zune stuff, too. It'll be like Christmas waiting for each episode. Har!

Yep, definitely look out for iTunes and other support coming soon, as for now it still works to manually subscribe in iTunes using our RSS feed: http://www.lucascast.com/feed/
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*reads talk about my accent and how i sound* ... *blushes and runs away giggling*




Also, I talked about House of the Dead Overkill in the podcast. I'd just like to say that it's FAR more obscene than even I had realised it would be. Definitely not for anyone who is grossed out easily... but if you don't mind a tonne of bad language, some things that are more than simply suggestive and have them all continuously hitting you as you play the game. Then damn, you so gotta get it! :D




Plus, I bought the limited edition Bang Bang Box which features a prelude comic, a special sleeve to keep the game case and comic in... and two huge, HUGE, HUEG LIKE XBOX Hand Cannon shells for your Wiimotes.


The Hand Cannon shells are awesome to use as well. It's far superior to the Wii Zapper that Nintendo came up with and is a pleasure to use.


Also, the comic smells so strongly of ink that you get high reading it... I kid you not.


Pics of hand cannon: http://www.next-nintendo.com/news281-Nintendo-Wii-Le-magnum-de-House-of-the-Dead-Overkill-dans-tous-ses-etats.html (But the Australian versions come with white handles)


Cover of comic: http://www.infendo.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/prelude-to-overkill_495x388.jpg (too sexy to show the whole thing)

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That was pretty sweet I must say. Groovy says "okay" a lot XD. When Lynk hinted at something big happening at LF I was expecting coupons for free ice cream, but this was good too. Some quick notes.


@Jae: I lol'd hard... "I love whips"... don't know why


@leXX: <3 LBP


@Lynk: Valkyria Chronicles. I approve. Shameless advertising... less approval :xp:


Yea that's all I got for now, definitely looking forward to hearing some other staffer voices and guests. Keep it up.

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