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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/22 in all areas

  1. It's not as if anyone has forgotten the game exists, but someone has to do the work. A lot of game engines have very few active developers. What's most likely to produce results: Complaining, or offering to help?
    7 points
  2. Hey all, thanks for giving DREAMM and try and for the great feedback so far! I've just released a new beta (1.0b3). Give it a play and let me know if it fixes any issues you encountered. Changes: • Added Hercules mode support for Maniac/Zak/SoMI. • Add integral scaling (Alt+I), on by default, which only stretches game screens horizontally by integral amounts. • Improved scaling logic to support 3x and 4x scaling in software to reduce jaggies and improve smoothness. • Improve overall smoothness of video updates. • The most recent configuration settings are now used for new games. • Report missing EXE files even when running from the command line. • Fix problems locating munt DLL when running from the frontend. • Fix long hangs/crashes in Sam & Max CD version. • Fix mouse wrapping at far edges of the screen. • Fix Unicode error when asking if you want to remove an entry. New beta here (it's linked above but links are pretty subtle here): https://aarongiles.com/dreamm/
    6 points
  3. I’m closing the thread. 😒
    6 points
  4. Sneak peek. Don't have time for more right now.
    5 points
  5. In an apparent second round of raising awareness, German magazine GameStar published an interview with Ron and Dave just two weeks ago. It's behind a paywall, but I have no doubts that absolutely no new information is contained for the English speaking world. The journalists have sent their questions right at the beginning of April and have only recently heard back from them. The Italian, Spanish and Portuguese are similarly crazy for the ol' point'n'click (no, seriously, I am not kidding. Tim was wrong), I guess they've gotten their "exclusives" these days also. And, seriously, these guys are all (still) happily falling over themselves to promote ReMI, and they're a bit insulted that it took Terrible T. so long to use them. There is only so much buzz you can create with the extremely limited info that they repeatedly divulge at the time, but from the looks of it, marketing for Return to Monkey Island has never stopped. The "backlash" created by really just a few people has had no effect here. If anything, the buzz is much greater around ReMI than around any other Devolver game in recent history. As has been demonstrated in this forum and elsewhere, reviving the Monkey Island brand has brought Devolver new customers, and they're likely aware of it. And come to speak of it, I haven't heard any kind of overly negative comments during the last weeks. These people are not gaining a foothold in actual Monkey Island or point & click communities. They rant in completely different communities that wouldn't play ReMI anyway – and in those Oceans of Eternal Rant, a single thread about Return's aesthetics really doesn't make a difference.
    4 points
  6. Isn't it nice that we can all share different opinions like this that are so vast in their nuance and still be really respectful to each other? Just let that sink in for a minute; how often does that happen? This is one of the reasons I find the Mojo forums so comforting, it really is filled with the friendliest people. Now to change all that with my hugely controversial opinion... ...I like Herman Toothrot the most in EMI.
    4 points
  7. Okay I've scanned in the relevant page of the most accurate one I could get ahold of, which is still not perfect but its pretty dang close. 1990: Update: The 1993 map is actually probably correct? The printing makes it look like there's some subtle differences in line weight, but I dont think there actually are - it really is just the result of the ink going on a little heavier and the color matching being different. 1993: (It's not perfectly correct; the red index numbers above the roads don't line up with the HTR box, but seems to have more of the right roads.) I've uploaded them: Scans of the left and right sides of the 1990 and 1993 map can be found here.
    3 points
  8. I bet not, even though it seems that way. There was the announcement trailer that blew up decently, then a good number of interviews that seemed redundant to us but did a good job of going wide with the news of the games’ existence, casting a broad net to scoop up more fans and get them on the same page. I suspect as we get closer to launch the rate of media will increase. I expected a trailer of some kind at the Devolver event and still expect one soonish, but don’t think there was some media blitz that got pushed back. I think the tuned in fans are just hungrier than normal people so for us it seems like starving off scraps, while for everyone else they’re just not thinking about the game much, but will be once a bigger push starts closer to launch.
    3 points
  9. I don't know how unpopular a sentiment this is, because I've seen it parroted with reasonable regularity since 1997. And it comes off as gatekeepery as it ever did. I don't direct this at you specifically, but so often over the years misgivings with CMI have been framed in terms of legitimacy, and it makes me feel like I'm in church. The ways in which the game may be a departure from what came before make for interesting discussion that I have thoughts on myself, but interesting discussion is out of season once the dreaded "authenticity" angle comes in.
    3 points
  10. It's a process where audio is processed to be in its released form, and some of the things that might be involved, for example, include applying some equalisation and compression in order to make all the sounds which were recorded across several months and in 3 studios sound like they all come from the same game. There's a -little- bit of a grey area between mixing and mastering, especially when talking about music, but generally mastering is the stage after all the volume levels and FX processing and editing has been applied, the final piece of processing that needs to be done in order to ensure that everything sounds nice and consistent.
    3 points
  11. I think it’s simpler than that even: The people who are predisposed to talk about it on their own will do that; you don’t really need to give them any more (even though they’ll ask for it). But the people who are vaguely interested (but not totally tuned in or predisposed to care about your thing on autopilot) you only get a few shots at them before they’re over saturated, before your marketing has diminishing returns. If you oversaturate too early you start hearing things like, “didn’t that come out already?” I know it’s not always true, and this might not be what they’re thinking, but I think generally it’s best to keep your powder dry and only do a few sparing attention-grabbing bursts of media until you’re ready to start telling everyone everything close to release (release date, cost, availability) or you lose people and then have to try harder to bring them back.
    2 points
  12. Well, the Bethesda Showcase invitation ticket also includes an Indy whip 👀
    2 points
  13. Well good morning Jake, I hear somebody's been playing cards with Ron Gilbert yesterd Uhm, nothing to see here.
    2 points
  14. I’m pretty sure a lot of game voice mastering is done in bulk, either a batch process that you then spot check, or literally stringing a bunch of the voice together in one long file and looking/listening to it. You don’t go and do each individual line in a vacuum, because the point is to get it all sounding uniform. So rating time-per-line isn’t going to be a useful metric.
    2 points
  15. All I ask is that the game doesn't come out during uni times. I'm gonna have assignments coming out of my butt, and I know I'll end up procrastinating to play it, which is not ideal
    2 points
  16. Ha, I just arrived here from my COMI playthrough, (finally arrived at Blood Island), so I actually read this in your voice! Oh, how my head likes to play games. On topic, I kinda love the activity in the forum lately because of the announcement of TOMI, so maybe I don't want it to come out, so we can keep speculating... FOREVER!! (That might be one for the unpopular opinions thread though.)
    2 points
  17. FWIW, I have no knowledge of whether or not a trailer exists and when said theoretical trailer will or will not be released (as evidenced by my erroneous prediction that we'd see one yesterday!). But that said, I am reasonably certain that the only reason there was no trailer yesterday is because they didn't want to show one yet. Whether it's a timing thing, they prefer a different presentation format, whatever, I have no idea. But speaking broadly, things like the audio mastering definitely wouldn't be an impediment.
    2 points
  18. I made a fanimation of @Marius's video!
    2 points
  19. I had a pretty big rant written here, where I explained once again that everything in ScummVM is *volunteer work* and if you're not okay with the direction it's currently taking you can do what I did and become a team member yourself, but even though I'm sick of the project getting crapped on for seemingly no good reason at all, I'd say this is not the place for this kind of discussions
    2 points
  20. Uncharted has really developed. I started the series with part four / A Thief's End, which still had way too many combat sequences for me. I went back to play the Remastered stuff, but never finished part 1, this long long line of shooting sequences. Lost Legacy, for me, was almost perfect. The story focus was strong, the main characters great, there was the flirt with an open world (and even a map). Still too many repetitive mechanics (I am a P&C adventure fan after all). I don't think that MachineGames would ever make "my dream Indiana Jones game", which would be a FOA reboot anyway, but if they tailor it after Uncharted, it would be great if they'd take lessons from what Uncharted did not so badly in their earlier parts. And Indiana Jones was never the guy to frantically jump around, climb rock faces, go into a gun fight armed with more than six bullets. He's never been a Nathan Drake. Also, Game companies these days seem mortally afraid of releasing a game that takes "just" ten to fifteen hours to complete. That's a trend that could really change.
    1 point
  21. We've heard you about the reactions and have updated them to hopefully make things better! Rolling Eyes has remained, but is now a neutral reaction so it doesn't remove reputation points anymore.
    1 point
  22. My unpopular opinion: I don’t like the new thumbs down emote.
    1 point
  23. I'm still on the waitlist for DALL-E, but I did try the mini version: Monkey Island for Nintendo 64
    1 point
  24. I guess if you imagine one person is doing the mastering (not sure if that’s typical) and you imagine it’s five minutes to do each line, that’s still like 140 working days to do all 14,000. 😅 Maybe it’s multiple people, maybe it’s more or less time per line. In any case, there’s plenty to do!
    1 point
  25. So this means that they are almost done with the dialogues, right?
    1 point
  26. Ron's undeniable affinity to Apple products and the chosen ReMI graphic style should work in your favor here. I've found that my processor or graphics card didn't really outdate that much these last years. It was plainly RAM that forced me to upgrade (which was 4 GB though). I think you'll be able to run the game. Save that money for merchandise. 😇 13 inch? Well, someone here won't be complaining about not enough detail.
    1 point
  27. So who thinks I'll be able to run RTMI? Or should I think about getting a new Mac?
    1 point
  28. It is at the very least quite similar to a puzzle in Infocom's game Sorcerer. Whether or not the MI4 developers had played it is, of course, an entirely different matter. I'm attaching an annotated transcript of that part of the game. (It uses Unix-style line breaks rather than DOS-style, but I hope it works.) It is, of course, a complete spoiler for that entire section. coal-mine.txt
    1 point
  29. The way I figured it, this is the thread where we take our moderate opinions ("Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade would have been better if it didn't rely so much on pixel-hunting, mazes and optional-but-sometimes-hard-to-avoid fighting") and restate them in the most blunt way you can think of ("Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is without a doubt the worst Indiana Jones game ever"), all in good fun. I mean, we do still like and respect the games, right? Even the ones we don't like quite as much as some of the others?
    1 point
  30. Well, I actually just played the game first... really got into it, and then felt this wave of regret for not getting in on the backing and anticipation. The development blog was really cool. I learned a lot about game design, budgeting and puzzle dependency charts. Useful, everyday knowledge for sure... great applicability to my day job! 🤣
    1 point
  31. I'm sure it was a mix of that, too. But I got a sense that if Residual (being the 3D sister to ScummVM -- supporting more than just LucasArts games by the end of its independent existence) had been very popular that it might have stayed separate. Perhaps wrongly. Either way, it was a separate project that had comparatively extremely slow development.
    1 point
  32. Yeah that is certainly true, I saw David Fox had liked a few of those tweets too, seems a weird thing to do if you know there's nothing to show. At the risk of being slandered in the Mojo Adventurer again (an honour though it is 😜) , it's worth noting that Devolver have continued to announce more games and reveal trailers past their showcase in the Netflix games presentation, so it's not outside the realm of possibility that there are more chances within Summer Game Fest for the game to be shown, but at this point I think it's better for our collective sanity if we assume there won't be anything at this event.
    1 point
  33. Yeah, you can be pretty sure that DREAMM won't introduce such changes. 😂 But that aside, I've seen maybe one ribbon on a real book (late 1800's) that was attached to the bottom. In some ways, it's more practical - the end doesn't get creased under the book, and it's slightly easier to remove it from the pages if the book is large (downwards rather than upwards). 😋 However, as far as I'm aware, book ribbons weren't even a thing in the 1700's anyway (not making an appearance until around 1850). But then, neither were grog machines or audio books-on-parrot.
    1 point
  34. OK, in an unprecedented showing of customer service, the JavaScript has been minified and embedded into the web page. If it still doesn't work... well, all the kids use phones these days anyway.
    1 point
  35. The LucasArts logo was bad, but so was the rectangular big-L-big-M LucasFilm Games logo. Only the pre-1988 curved logo looked good.
    1 point
  36. Nothing says Indiana Jones and adventure like hearing dialogue like “Kerner! What a slimy toad!” 🤣 (Also your walkthrough got me through the tough spots in the game, so I have to give credit where it’s due)
    1 point
  37. I have no idea when release day is, but Talk Like a Pirate Day would be sooooooooooo cool 😄
    1 point
  38. The good news is that it seems to run nicely on Mac using Parallels, even on an ARM Mac (M1, etc). Someone still needs to try CrossOver, which is more like (well, is) WINE rather than running the entire Windows OS like Parallels does. I haven’t been able to bring myself to fork out for that too… yet.
    1 point
  39. Oh man this is the best. Who needs the trailer?! We can make our own trailers!
    1 point
  40. Yeah, maybe Ron will just show up on this forum and post it here first, saying "Look, how about that?"
    1 point
  41. I'm both confused and saddened. I played all three paths just last year and I loved every second of it! The voice acting isn't the best, but the story and setting delivered like no other! I absolutely adore it, but maybe that's the unpopular opinion? I'm replaying CMI at the moment, but it doesn't sweep me away like FOA did last year.
    1 point
  42. Wow, multiple people dumping on Fate of Atlantis. This thread isn't messing around.
    1 point
  43. EMI certainly throws a gauntlet down in terms of puzzle difficulty. Which is strange, given that it was the final LucasArts adventure game. While the progress wasn't exactly a straight line -- MI1 and DOTT arguably had more logical puzzle design than any game after, and Loom was truly ahead of its time -- there was a general evolution toward accessibility. No wonder EMI came packaged with a walkthrough. There are these contradictory tensions in EMI that I think make it fascinating. On the one hand it is aggressively pushing "forward" (moving to 3D, adopting console friendly controls) while arguably regressing to puzzle logic aimed at an older-school player. It's a game that's brash and bold and irreverent (including toward canon) in a way that pissed off lots of series fans, yet at the same time it's also the most desperately fan-serving, with a truly staggering volume of callbacks and reprisals that stands out even in an in-joke heavy series. It's something else!
    1 point
  44. I love how Dave Grossman's twitter account now basically is a Marius retweet bot. 😆
    1 point
  45. I just had the idea for a video and really had to hurry to get it done before the actual trailer shows up. PHEW.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. Hello @CalisDraws I have made several of the boxes in the 2 part board game box style, also called a telescoping box. The originals I have are all this style and I don’t like the folded ones so much. I have only made games for Amiga so far so no Sam and Max but below is an example 🙂 I cut hard cardboard and glue them then wrap them with the print. I made an exact size for lucasarts and a bit smaller one. if you make a new thread for boxes later it might be a better place 😊 jjjj
    1 point
  48. New version with some fixes: https://assets.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:799b14d4-5e4b-4bab-b703-5a42ad104a64?view=published * Font increased from 9 to 9,1 * margins are adjusted based on MK2 manual (I have the Amiga big box version) * Leafs are from the Symbola font * In-game on page 6 changed and in-game on page 4 has been "optimized" a bit (color and lights) * Mispellings To fix: * Spacing to be pixel perfect * In-Game images should need a graphic treatment Well I guess it could be soon the V1 ! Unfortunately I can get it pixel perfect. It stranges, sometimes on a page the left column is right but using the same parameters on the next page doesn't give the same result. Playing with some other fonts doesn't do the trick !
    1 point
  49. The fact that you guys got THIS close already is huge!! I STILL can't believe it!! I don't think anyone would see the difference if there are missing roads. Unless the graphic designer who worked on the original box comes out and reveals this map's secrets to the world, this might be as close as one can get.
    1 point
  50. 1990 has no 88 on it which is baffling. I have a handful of years and none is a perfect match. But I’ll scan this one in.
    1 point
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