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Wow, and I thought Jack Thompson was dumb... At least he know's his stuff...


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Technicians working for Jack discovered a hidden feature or “mod” for the Grand Theft Auto game called “Hot Coffee” This took the form of a sequence where the player earns points by committing felonies (e.g. Murder, Rape, Carjacking). If the player achieves enough “felony kudos points” then he is rewarded by an explicit homosexual pornographic sequence.


This was not the only game from Take Two containing a hidden pornographic mod. For example a year later the same company released “Elder Scrolls Oblivion”, a Live Playing Game or LPG that once again invites the player to brawl and worship false-gods in a medieval fantasy inspired world.


Right after I'm done watching gay porn on GTA I'm off to go worship in my Sixth House cult praying for death and destruction to bless our world.


Very funny site, I'm 95% sure it's a joke site. That or a member of the KKK got a hold of a computer.

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I wish more American Republicans were like that so the rest of the world can laugh at USA some more :p


We hardly stop laughing as it is. It is only their foreign policy that stops us laughing. because that is often scary.


On to the article...



Pok-e-men evolve! What a harmful message to be sending to kids! How dare those Japanese b******s, they are spreading evil lies!


"The Bible tell us that enemies of God will show no mercy in their attempt to lead us astray from the true path, likewise we must attack with all the Strength which we have been given."


OK, so that quote is actually about the book of Origin (Stargate SG-1), I just replaced "Book of Origin" with "Bible" and "the Ori" with "God", however it does seem to sum up how a lot of Christians (particularly in America) think.



I feel really sorry for his niece, who's favourite book is the bible. Maybe I should start my own badly researched campaign against something. I know how about a campaign to make religion "adult material". It would be banned from being taught as fact to anyone under the age of 18. No-one under the age of 18 should be allowed to go to church (or chapel/mosque/temple), and if they do want to their parents should be looked up with the charge of brainwashing their kids (which they have clearly done if they want to go to church) and the kids should be taken into care for de-programming.

You have to admit that this proposed campaign is about as sensible as "the Freedom blog", which incidentally, has very little to do with freedom, sure you are free to follow God or be destroyed (metaphorically, for now at least), but it isn't exactly the sort freedom America supposedly stands for.

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I don't like where this is heading...


Anyways, with all the factual errors I'm pretty sure this must be a joke. But these nuts have surprised me before, and I've learned that human stupidity and ignorance knows no boundaries.

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My God! God hates Linux users and Red Hot Chili Peppers? Where is the benevolence?


Funny site tho'. I wish more American Republicans were like that so the rest of the world can laught at USA some more :p



oh damn it






"Pokemon is one of the most popular Japanise animations or “Hentai”. It concerns a group of teenage human “Pokemon-Hunters” or “Pokemaniacs” and their adventures in Pokemon-land populated by fictional creatures called Pokemen (pronounced Pokey-Men) ."


Holy crap this quote is worth its while in pure solid gold...


But anyway, STR is a satirical humour blog, so...

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