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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/22 in Posts

  1. Well this was disappointing.
    5 points
  2. I’ve left all the map restoration discussion in here because I consider that part of the poster project, however the box discussion now has its own nice new thread. 😀
    5 points
  3. As it ships now, you are getting the raw image pixel-doubled to 640x400 or 640x480 (depending on aspect ratio correction), and then expanded by Windows GDI to the size of the window. GDI doesn't do bilinear filtering, so you will get "chunky" (nearest-neighbor) results. The only filtering you'll see today is if you enable aspect ratio correction (which is on by default). In this case, when expanding 320x200 screens to 640x480, DREAMM uses a fast and simple bilinear filter to expand each scanline, so you will see some software filtering. I just finished making some updates for the next beta that will expand/improve on this. To wit: 1. I have added an "integral scaling" option, which, when enabled, ensures that the screen is only ever stretched horizontally by an even multiple. The screen will be centered within the window at the largest even scaling factor that will fit. If aspect ratio correction is disabled, this will give you pixel-perfect scaling. 2. If aspect ratio correct is enabled, DREAMM will now internally scale up to 4x in software. This means that the vertical bilinear filtering it applies will be less apparent than it is today (since I only scale 2x before expanding). 3. I have changed the logic to stop using the internal aspect ratio correction altogether once the scale factor gets above 4x. For a 320x200 game this means that once you hit 5x (which is 1600x1200 with aspect ratio correction and gives pixel-perfect results in the correct aspect), you will no longer see any bilinear filtering at all. At this scale factor the unevenness of nearest neighbor starts to become less distracting. 4. I have hooked up epx3 and epx4 smoothing algorithms so that if you have smoothing enabled and scale to 3x or 4x you will get even more smooth graphics. I have also enabled it for CoMI if you are running high enough resolution. Beyond this, if I wanted to offer bilinear filtering, I could switch to using Direct2D for rendering, but I'm not sure I want to go there. With the above changes I'm pretty happy with the way things are presented, but we'll see what everyone thinks once the next beta is released.
    5 points
  4. Mine wasn't filmed but I sat down my wife on the couch, all seriously mind you, took her by the hands and said "Do you remember how excited I was for Spiderman with three Spidermen in it? That pales in comparison to what Ron just announced..." All the whole speaking calmly and containing my excitement. My wife just rolled her eyes and smiled at my goofiness.
    5 points
  5. I would go as far as to say ReMI's PR campaign has been... somewhat flawed. :~ Got a good Marius video out of it, though!
    4 points
  6. I just had the idea for a video and really had to hurry to get it done before the actual trailer shows up. PHEW.
    4 points
  7. I wasn't with my girlfriend at the time, but you bet I called her at 1 in the morning to tell her the good news. She just said "cool, I'm happy for you, can I go back to sleep now?" 😂
    4 points
  8. I drank root beer for this. 💀
    3 points
  9. The two GrimE games aren't really missing, though. They fall explicitly outside the purview of DREAMM, which is dedicated to the SCUMM games. Since it emulates an x86 machine, supporting EMI would be a totally different project in the most literal sense. Unless I'm mistaken, doesn't EMI already still work natively on modern Windows machines? (I know the GOG version runs on mine, and I don't think Lucasfilm did anything to update it, but I could be wrong.) Since Windows is the only platform DREAMM runs on, it would be a moot point for EMI. For getting EMI working on other platforms or jazzing it up with retroactive enhancements, ScummVM is the (eventual) answer since the ResidualVM project got folded into it.
    3 points
  10. Yeah. I hope more toxic, I-speak-for-the-majority types aren't visibly childish about it, ruining the fun.
    3 points
  11. You're not alone with the tears, but 🤫 Watching this really feels like a rude invasion of your privacy. Thanks for sharing. 😆 I've only recently become fascinated with interpassivity, with Let's Plays and movie reaction videos, and from what I can tell, your pure joy or Marius' joy is something that the AAA game industry can only dream of. I'm pretty sure last week's Final Fantasy XVI 'summon' trailer easily cost ten thousand times as much as Devolver's teaser did, even though it's really just a bunch of black dudes on a black background (and they stole Sauron's armor for Odin), but I highly doubt it elicited even a fraction of the enthusiasm.
    3 points
  12. I loved how I found out about the official reveal and trailer. Going back 11 months to the summer, when the "Sea of Thieves" DLC came out and there was a massive Monkey Island easter egg in it, I watched it on YouTube (I don't own the game but I saw the video as a suggestion in my feed). It was a nice July night and I was enjoying a couple of beers and decided to leave a comment, which basically stated that the easter egg made it clear that Disney knew Monkey Island existed and I was hoping the easter egg was a teaser of what's to come. I ended the comment by stating my hope for the original trio, Ron, Dave, and Tim to collaborate one more time to make the game Ron wanted to make. Nine months later, I had seen Ron's Grumpy Gamer post on April 1st and, like many, thought it was a 50/50 chance of being true. Ron has such a creative sense of humor, I had honestly no idea what to make of it. Over the weekend, I had actually forgot about it. The day of the reveal trailer, someone responded to that 9 month-old YouTube comment with the news of the new game and I got the notification of that response. Upon reading it, I immediately Googled "Monkey Island" and watched the trailer. I think the shock of reading that response was even greater than the trailer itself for me. This YouTube video will forever mean something special to me lol.
    3 points
  13. My security cameras caught mine lol
    3 points
  14. I feel like what you’re talking about belongs in a thread more specifically about ScummVM, Zaxx. I don’t think it’s fair to get too into the weeds about perceived ScummVM shortcomings when this is a different tool built for a different job — authenticity. As you say, you’re probably not the target audience.
    2 points
  15. I guess I'll share the "original" as well then (more info HERE) :
    2 points
  16. Hahaha what?! Tchaikovsky's music is what makes Loom Loom. Forget about the ballet. Swan Lake was totally written for that game; the composer just didn't know it yet when he wrote it.
    2 points
  17. I'll be seeing it tomorrow morning, after I take my 3 months old boy to his first baby-swimming lesson! Life always comes first, but I'm really excited nonetheless!
    2 points
  18. Those reaction videos are priceless. I literally got teary eyed myself watching them! 🥲 I really wish I had my reaction on video... all I remember is seeing something about an announcement on April 1st and completely dismissing it. I didn't even consider if it could be possibly true, and probably kept on scrolling... Once I saw the trailer, I can't describe it as anything put pure, childish joy. The music... it just sent shivers up my spine! Heck, it must have made an impression, as I even explained it my wife (who's not into computer games) that my all time favourite computer game series was coming back, and she was amused by my childish excited 😅 I then proceeded to get back into playing games after not really touching them in 14 years...
    2 points
  19. Also: the Sea of Thieves Monkey Island theme is pretty great
    2 points
  20. The frantic run in followed by "it's real! it's real!" just killed me. It's priceless! I totally get that feeling of having all that excited energy and not quite knowing what to do with it so you bolt to the people closest to you and just unload 😜
    2 points
  21. I just watched it (three times) for the first time and literally had tears in my eyes – because it’s so beautiful and very similar of my (and probably many’s) reactions! 🥰
    2 points
  22. I had @Marius' reaction video and that simply made the day for me. April 4th, it was all sunshine and monkey wrenches.
    2 points
  23. OH MY GOSH!!! You guys are my heroes!! How did you find something so similar so fast!!! @Crumb Thank you so much for the detective work!! Well, the reason I need it is because I'm too young to have been around back in the lucasarts days and boxed copies of these games are just too expensive for me to purchase, so I wanted to make reproduction boxes for myself (like those people who make prototype boxes for their board games) just so I could have them on my shelf, I recreated a lot of the Hit the Road Box text and assets myself (outdated gifs from the very begining) : But the background (although it WOULD be possible to remake it myself) would take too much time to recreate and would probably not be as good as if I just used the actual one... VERY selfish reason to want this map, I know.....
    1 point
  24. Oh come on no RtMI trailer? Well at least Card Shark continues to look awesome.
    1 point
  25. Please tell me there's a way to get this map and there's a map of Melee Island done in the same style
    1 point
  26. That was of course just a reflex like. I am of course fast asleep like a normal person at midnight. ... ah well. No trailer. Darn!
    1 point
  27. I don't think getting past the toilet paper is supposed to be a puzzle! It sounds like you're seeing a cached, broken version of the page, perhaps. Try hitting Ctrl-F5 (or Command-Shift-R for Mac-ists) until your keyboard wears out.
    1 point
  28. Not convinced by either of those honestly being a conscious thing. I mean, it's hard to write a memorable melody that isn't like some other memorable melody anyway, of course. I once asked Peter McConnell if a piece he wrote was consciously based on another thing. He said it wasn't but also pointed out that a piece of mine that I had showed to him had a melody very similar to Somewhere Over The Rainbow, while also having a completely different feel to that song.
    1 point
  29. You monster, I will never be able to unhear this now (well done)
    1 point
  30. OMG... please at least tell me, the MI theme is an original from Land. 😅 Never new that. A long time ago I read somewhere that Stan's Theme (from MI2 on) was a traditional, but LeChuck's? Nice fact!
    1 point
  31. It's great that RtMI will most likely have its gameplay debut in one of those crazy Devolver videos. Gotta love the trailer:
    1 point
  32. Oh god I'm so happy I never translated my full "Poké(sum)mon" trailer review into English. That would have further endangered our relationship. 😅 But it's true, that trailer had nothing for me besides a three second reminiscence to Uematsu-san's "Prologue" theme. I assure you, I come from an initial position of rabid FF fandom as well, it's just that this love has stopped being requited for nigh 20 years. Which could lead me to compare the change in target audiences of the MI and FF franchise, but ... ⛔ Ohhhhh but those are so cute. Particularly when they speak in the social "we". The Devolver thing will air at midnight over here. So I'll have to make a similar decision. I think the basic question I'll have to answer to myself is: "How crazy am I?" Does Raphael twerk at April? Of course I think so! 👍
    1 point
  33. Late last year I made some custom boxes too. As gifts for my brothers and as custom box for the Special editions of MI, inspired by Laser's custom box at the time. While it's awesome we can do this to great detail now, everyone should be warned there's scammers on eBay now using this technique to sell fake boxes for high prices. Just recently I think someone scamming a lot of honest collectors with fake sealed boxes. So I really usually add a little personal note in one of the bottom cover labels. Both designs were created from scratch, using Laserschwert's awesome poster files for most of the the artwork.
    1 point
  34. Soooo... anyone else think we might get something at Devolver's show later today?
    1 point
  35. Ehh.. as someone fairly into FF stuff I think that's a little unfair. I mean I've been playing that MMO for a while and I think it's easy to underestimate the capacity of FF fans to get excited. It's highly anticipated because of the involvement of a much loved producer and music director of the series and contains lots of details which ought to appeal to fans of the series. I certainly enjoyed it and I think it's kinda weird to compare the impact of these two completely different things. They're not even the same type of video (full trailer vs announcement/teaser) Anyway, my own experience of the teaser is that I was idly browsing and found out about ReMI about 30 seconds before going into a work meeting, then had to sit on that knowledge for an hour before finally being able to watch it. No tears from me... I think I kinda simultaneously was excited and apprehensive, as I immediately had so many questions. I've never been *unconditionally* excited by the idea of a new Ronzo MI, for me it's always been about the team, and so until I understood more about how this was being made and who was involved I had to temper my enthusiasm somewhat. The nice thing is everything I heard since has made me more excited, which is certainly the direction I like things to go.
    1 point
  36. Could a mod split the relevant posts out into a new thread? (If we count all the map posts as 'custom box' discussion, then almost every post from the 11th May onwards could be split out.)
    1 point
  37. Hello @CalisDraws I have made several of the boxes in the 2 part board game box style, also called a telescoping box. The originals I have are all this style and I don’t like the folded ones so much. I have only made games for Amiga so far so no Sam and Max but below is an example 🙂 I cut hard cardboard and glue them then wrap them with the print. I made an exact size for lucasarts and a bit smaller one. if you make a new thread for boxes later it might be a better place 😊 jjjj
    1 point
  38. No, sorry. First of all, not interested in enhancements. And secondly, doing that kind of a hack is much more feasible in an interpreter-level emulator like ScummVM than it is on a machine-level emulator like DREAMM.
    1 point
  39. Yeah, I wanted to post a scaling related question too but Groggoccino already did so I have only one thing: are there plans to support high res asset replacement? Some emulators are doing wonders with AI upscaled texture packs.
    1 point
  40. I don't know if they're as much unpopular opinions as they are unpopular facts, but... CMI is a milquetoast game. EMI is better than CMI. The Godfather is a middling movie. Sure, #3 doesn't technically have anything to do with the topic at hand, but I do feel it helps illustrate #1 and #2.
    1 point
  41. Napoleon Bonaparte was excommunicated by the church for annexing Rome and insulting the Pope—a mere misdemeanour compared to your heresy. A Biblical stoning, while regrettable, might be required.
    1 point
  42. This sure is a nice reaction video! Thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  43. I've had high hopes for this ever since I read the interview where it was first mentioned, but this looks even better than I anticipated. Absolutely amazing; thank you so much. I read the documentation from top to bottom, and I have a quick question: how is scaling to modern resolutions handled when the Smooth Graphics option is not enabled? Does it use nearest-neighbor filtering? Bilinear filtering? Pixel-perfect scaling? A feature I really appreciate in both ScummVM and DosBox is that they allow you to combine both nearest-neighbor and bilinear filtering. In fact, although this was changed recently, I think the "traditional" ScummVM default was to use nearest-neighbor to double the game's original resolution (320x200), and then upscale the result of that with bilinear filtering to match the desktop resolution. This way, the image is blurred a bit to reduce blockiness, but not as much as if you were to only use bilinear filtering (you can also adjust this by choosing to triple the game's original resolution instead of doubling it, for example).
    1 point
  44. No, that was my predecessor, Eric Johnston. He did quite a lot of Mac customization to make the games run nicely on the early Macs. I took a more straightforward "as-is" approach to porting, which I could do because Macs of my era were high-end 680x0 or PowerPC based and had better graphics options than the equivalent-era PCs. I also always felt like Mac support was on the edge of being cut 😬, so I worked hard to make sure all the games I worked on required no intervention from the original teams.
    1 point
  45. Totally agreee. And I was saving that for later, but here wo go: I like the concept of sword fighting (and don’t mind playing that part), but most of the insults are not funny at all to me…
    1 point
  46. I felt that way through the entire development of season one! They completely grew on me over the course of season two - I think the writers got more in the groove of writing for “our” Sam and Max - and by season three I wouldn’t have traded them for anything. I still do watch the Freelance Police trailer sometimes. It seems like another universe now, totally disconnected from the Telltale games, but it’s one I’d like to visit.
    1 point
  47. I agree so much with that sentence you wrote. It echoes what I feel when I lurk around the rotten corners of YouTube and Twitter. It hurts me to see such anger, self-entitlement, disdain and malice from individuals who call themselves fans. What do they gain from it exactly? Do they feel better after all that venting? My guess is they don't. I'm kind of happy I wasn't around when the announcement trailer came out.
    1 point
  48. New version with some fixes: https://assets.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:799b14d4-5e4b-4bab-b703-5a42ad104a64?view=published * Font increased from 9 to 9,1 * margins are adjusted based on MK2 manual (I have the Amiga big box version) * Leafs are from the Symbola font * In-game on page 6 changed and in-game on page 4 has been "optimized" a bit (color and lights) * Mispellings To fix: * Spacing to be pixel perfect * In-Game images should need a graphic treatment Well I guess it could be soon the V1 ! Unfortunately I can get it pixel perfect. It stranges, sometimes on a page the left column is right but using the same parameters on the next page doesn't give the same result. Playing with some other fonts doesn't do the trick !
    1 point
  49. I used to work in packaging for DVDs. Designed plenty of DVD box sets back in the day. As cool as these are you can’t actually use them to get “exact dimensions”. Unfortunately you still need the printer’s cutter guide, which would be supplied as a separate plate. This is because there’ll be lots of bleed on those images, and without the cutter guide you won’t know where the bleed begins, or where the folds are. (The industry standard is at least 3mm — but there’s no harm in adding more.) Don’t get wrong. I’d still love to own them. They’re extremely interesting, and I bet you could make some very good guesses using them. Just not “exact measurements” in the way you might expect.
    1 point
  50. They're all perfect, be quiet now.
    1 point
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